Part #3: Secret 3: Inflation Training

June 7, 2021

inflation training

In this episode, Brad and Jimmy close the Inflation Training with a flourish, by sharing a step-by-step guide on how inflation can make you rich faster.

They wrap up the financial lessons taught by 300 years of North American history to prove that 97% of people teaching you about inflation are just teaching you how to play “prevent defense”, and not telling you how to use it to become wealthy.

Brad and Jimmy even build upon the words of a modern magnate like Warren Buffet to prove that this is not something they tried a couple of times and worked. These are invaluable tactics hiding in plain sight.

If you want to learn how to acquire debt that pays itself and gets you real assets (with almost zero risks), this is the right podcast to listen to.

You won’t find these lessons anywhere else. Most people don’t get this.

Too good to be true? Find out for yourself.

Click play and learn Secret #3 today.

Key Takeaways

  • Introduction (0:00)
  • How Brad survived the 2008 crisis as an investor (7:32)
  • Warren Buffet’s insights on fixed-rate loans (11:43)
  • “The faster inflation happens, the richer I get” (15:51)
  • Why we’ve acquired so many millions of dollars in debt (19:43)
  • Historical backup for the Inflation Training theories (20:46)

Additional Resources: