An Introduction To Antifragile

May 11, 2020

To really understand the philosophy of financial freedom you have to internalize a specific core belief. The idea that true freedom lies in your ability to be antifragile. This episode is perfect for our current times. We are in a moment where thriving is so far from most people’s minds. What if we told you that right now is the perfect opportunity to not only shift from a surviving to thriving perspective but to also get better at doing it in the process.

Wind extinguishes a candle and energizes fire. In order to be free, you need to be more than robust. Freedom requires you to be able to thrive in uncertain times. In this episode, Jimmy and Brad introduce you to the concept of Antifragile – How to gain from uncertainty, not just submit ourselves to simply surviving.

What Does It Mean to be Antifragile

“We don’t want to just survive uncertainty.”- Bradley Gibb

Taking part in the Rise Up and Live Free movement means you have committed to not playing safe. We are about taking risks that empower us and ultimately lead to our growth and forward momentum. Our goal is to teach our community how to be a fire and not a candle. As we’ve said and learned from Nassim Taleb’s, Antifragile, candles are extinguished by the wind. Any adversity or conflict will stamp out a dull flame.

That’s why it’s important to be a roaring fire. And you get there by encouraging the wind and standing in the face of the storm. Antifragility is about being so much more than a survivor. It is about the growth we do when things get tough. The only things that survive the test of time are the things that get stronger with it.

Uncertainty is the way of the world. The only thing we can guarantee about money is that while building wealth you will be constantly exposed to some sort of change. That’s why there is truly no such thing as passive wealth. If you are to become the driver then you have to plan for this uncertainty and be able to overcome any circumstances that come your way.

The antifragile thrives in uncertainty because it grows from it. The goal of investors should be to protect your risk of ruin. Prepare to fail because it is impossible to avoid but prepare to rise above those failures as a more competent investor if you want to keep growing.

Growth Is Hard to Preach When Things Are Good

There is an important question everyone must ask themselves if they are serious about moving forward. What has been stopping you from taking action? If it’s to keep yourself from failing then you need to stop yourself in your tracks. Failure is necessary for growth. We like to think of it as failing upward.

“I can continuously fail as long as I don’t get ruined.”- Jimmy Vreeland

We’ve been there. The fear of making mistakes makes us think that we are closer to the risk of ruin than we actually are. We must redefine loss as something that keeps us from our goals. We have to be able to face risk in a way that allows us to learn and grow from it.

Take one look at the stock market and you’ll see why it’s so hard to maintain a mindset of growth. The stock market is particularly fragile because it is tied to an aggregate of everything that is going on in the economy. So when it is up, people are more likely to want to invest and less likely to take the advice of putting their financial future in their own hands. And when the economy is down everyone begins to scramble for a quick fix that just doesn’t exist.

At CashFlow Tactics, we embrace the philosophy of failure. That’s why we are so passionate about our community because it allows us to reduce our risk of ruin.

What Our Community Looks Like During Crisis

“You have to become antifragile to protect the wealth you’ve built” -Bradley Gibb

Take one look at the CashFlow Tactics community and you’ll see exactly how this philosophy serves our community. At the time of this episode release, we are in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. The economy has taken a downturn and anyone who has their assets tied into the stock market is seriously hurting.

Our community is moving along just fine. Some members may be dealing with day to day financial hardships due to shifts in their income but their assets have not been affected. They are feeling pretty lucky to have decided to keep their assets liquid. If you want more information on what that means then check out our episode ROI vs. ROA.

If you’d like some more guidance on how to become antifragile, then our free 5-day challenge is something you don’t want to miss.

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