Jimmy’s Fight For Freedom

April 30, 2020

We want to give an inside look at the community we’ve built here at CashFlow Tactics and what it really means to fight for freedom so we’re taking some time to really get into the back stories of Brad, Ryan, and Jimmy. Last week we uncovered Ryan’s journey to financial freedom and why his story embodies so much of our core mission.

This week we’re diving into Jimmy’s piece of the puzzle. Jimmy effortlessly demonstrates the fuel behind the fire that is CashFlow Tactics. He is relentless when pursuing a goal and has the confidence to know he can reach the highest peaks. Those traits don’t come easy for all which is why we think it’s so important to absorb some of the wisdom he has to share.

Whether it was the process of becoming an Army Ranger, serving 3 deployments overseas or now leading Empire Builders, Jimmy’s life has one fundamental undertone: FREEDOM. That message instantly connected him with the strategies and tactics he learned and developed with Brad and Ryan. What is Jimmy’s why? To play the game as hard and as long as possible.

“The best indicator of what someone wants is what they spend their money on.” -Bradley Gibb

Jimmy’s Upbringing

Jimmy spent his youth completely immersed in sports. Growing up in the Midwest, he spent his formative years rotating between football, basketball, and baseball. His athleticism ingrained in him a sense of natural competition that he strives to use to his advantage. He made sure to do well in school in an effort to keep his family proud and keep an edge over the rest. From a young age, Jimmy realized that his competitive nature could serve him if he used it well.

But, there are two sides to every coin. Jimmy was incredibly driven in the areas of life he was passionate about. And completely undisciplined in the things he cared less for. In an effort to fight against his dualistic nature, his grandfather encouraged him to attend West Point for his college years.

The military did seem to level him out a bit. He had the opportunity to continue to play sports while juggling tutoring and his own education. Jimmy continued to refine his discipline as he considered what to do after his time at West Point. At this point, it was the fall of 2001, and Jimmy’s next steps were becoming clear. His next chapter would be overseas as he headed to Iraq to serve.

Jimmy’s competitive nature led him to ranger school where he continued to thrive under the challenge. Overall, he served three deployments. At that point, he was beginning to feel stuck and knew he needed to get out.

War In the Corporate World

Once Jimmy was back home he knew it was time for the next battle. He would continue to fight for freedom. This time the mission was to make a lot of money. He was initially apprehensive about civilian life but those fears were laid to rest once he realized his determination was unparalleled.

Jimmy began working in medical sales and due to his gregarious and driven outlook, he did well. Not only was he making money but he met the love of his life and started to build a family. He was starting to settle into this new life when he realized that maybe this wasn’t all that he wanted it to be.

He was moving forward and could see himself growing but he wasn’t where he wanted to be. Jimmy was missing out on spending time with his growing family and having to drink more to cope with his discontentment. He needed to come up with a new plan. He was trapped with his golden handcuffs.

Jimmy didn’t want to resign himself to a life of being just comfortable enough. He knew he didn’t want to be in the corporate world forever but wasn’t sure exactly how to get out. Jimmy’s wife was in the process of building her own photography business. They had four children under five years old and he knew he needed more.

Jimmy had started to get into real estate and knew if wanted out from his corporate job he would need to find his strike number. Once he did that he was on a track to keep buying houses in hopes of reaching financial freedom.

The Fight For Freedom Through Economics

“The best part about business is that there are no genetic constraints” – Jimmy Vreeland

In 2016 Jimmy and Brad met and began to combine their own experiences. Jimmy was tired of being financially afraid and was realizing that just buying rental after rental wasn’t going to give him the life he desired. His fight for freedom was far from over. As they both began to realize what they really wanted they joined forces and started to outline the mission behind CashFlow Tactics.

They both began to realize that it wasn’t really about the money. Money was just a tool to get what they really wanted. Developing CashFlow Tactics gave Jimmy a new outlook and mission on his quest to fight for freedom. Expanding his knowledge of economics and getting really clear on what he wanted was the catalyst for getting on the right path. And today, he can confidently share his determined energy with the rest of the community so you too can join the fight.

If you’re looking for support on your mission then check out our Cashflow Tactics Community.

The journey isn’t easy but it’s possible and if you’re wondering how you can get started then head over to our Freedom Fast Track training course.