How To DOUBLE Your Retirement Income Using This ONE Strategy...

(Without Saving More Than You Are Now OR Taking On More Risk)

For Those Currently Investing in a 401(k), IRA or other retirement plan.


Ex Goldman Sachs Insider Reveals The Proven Method That Creates 30% (or more) In Retirement Income (Without having to increase your regular retirement contributions or expose yourself to more market risk…)

From the Offices of
Brad Gibb and Ryan Lee
Salt Lake City, UT

Remember back to 50+ years ago, when your grandparents (and maybe even your parents) relied on a pension for their retirement?

Back then, the markets were something only the wealthy invested in, not the general public.

Instead, they worked for a business for a certain amount of years, and in return, their employer took on the risk of funding their retirement.

Month in and month out, pension checks would get mailed like clockwork, and their retirement was guaranteed without them having to worry about anything.

Seems like a great plan, right? So why doesn’t that happen anymore?

Well, because

All the risk has now been shifted to YOU.

When the 401(k) retirement plan was born, the inventor was certainly well-meaning…

Companies found it far cheaper (and a lot less risky) to adopt the ‘401(k) bribe’, saying:

“We’ll contribute X amount of money into your 401(k) twice a month… whatever happens with the markets, that’s on YOU.”

But while the intentions of the ‘401(k) retirement’ were good…the plan was INCOMPLETE.

And that ‘incompleteness’ has left a giant glaring problem.

How do we know this?

Our co-founder Brad Gibb, ex-Goldman Sachs insider, had a front row seat to the 2008 market collapse and watched as the wealth of those who relied solely on 401(k)s, IRAs, and traditional retirement accounts had their hopes of a secure retirement disappear before their eyes…

Think about it for a second…

Can you name 5 people who have ACTUALLY RETIRED off of their 401(k) alone?

Can you even name ONE person?

Neither can we. Don’t you think that’s a problem?

It’s a realization that leaves you wondering,

‘Why am I focusing so hard on putting money into my retirement accounts if it’s not actually going to retire me?’

And most importantly,

‘If my retirement accounts don’t ensure my retirement…what DOES?’

See, here’s the thing – along with watching people’s retirements vanish before their eyes, Brad also noticed that the “crash” didn’t have the same impact on everyone.

Turns out those who took the brunt of the market crash were those who relied solely on traditional retirement accounts… but there was also a small group of people whose retirement plans were unaffected.

Here’s what they knew that most people didn’t…

In the shuffle of moving American employees to the 401(k) system, things got lost in the weeds.

While your 401(k), IRA or other retirement account is a NECESSARY piece and a good start towards your retirement, it is NOT a SUFFICIENT or COMPLETE solution.

And, because of that, employees have been feeling the pinch and wrestling with Some Major Challenges of an incomplete retirement solution.

Here’s what we mean…

1) You’re not even sure if you’re going to get a good RETURN on your retirement.

You don’t know if your 401(k) and other retirement assets are going to fund the lifestyle that you’ve been dreaming about…

The car you want..
The home you deserve…
The vacations and special memories you want to create…
The opportunities for you, and your loved ones….

And you don’t know how much, if anything, you’ll be able to leave behind for your loved ones.

Having the FREEDOM to be able to do all the things you want, (and are currently working so hard for) is WHY you’re doing this…

At the end of the day, THIS is what matters in life.

And we call that Return On Retirement.

2) You don’t get to find out if your 401(k) ‘worked’ until it’s TOO LATE.

You can’t go back in time and get a “do over”

…and the same is true with a 401(k).

Are you willing to wait until you’re 65 or 70 (when your ‘working years’ are behind you), to find out if your 401(k) worked or not?

No. Of course you’re not.

You are not the type of person who leaves things to chance.

In fact, for most of your life and career you have tirelessly worked to stay ahead of the curve and avoid nasty surprises that could be lurking in the background.

3) You’ve been left ALONE to figure out one of the most important decisions of your entire life.

Think about it. In a world of robo-advisors, target date funds, and cookie-cutter retirement plans and salesmen disguised as “financial advisors” who get paid on selling you products with fat commission checks, who can you actually trust?

The truth is that it is easier to find objective advice on consumer reports for buying your next car than it is to figure out how to secure your financial future.

You already have a demanding full-time career and so why should you feel like you also need to become an expert in securing your financial future.

While we already told you that the inventor of the 401(k), John Bogle, had the greatest intentions, he has since been devastated at the effects of his ideas being used incorrectly and the average person being left to their own devices.

In fact, Mr. Bogle is quoted as saying in a PBS documentary “The American retirement system is a train wreck waiting to happen.”


The great news is, it’s certainly not too late! But you do need to act before you make your next 401(k) contribution…

What if… we could show you a proven retirement method that has been long FORGOTTEN by the average person over the last 50+ years…

A method that very few average hard working Americans who play by Wall Street’s rules don’t get exposed to but is used by millionaires, billionaires, and politicians to create security for their assets and future earnings.

And what if… you could:

‘Compress time’, and secure the future of your retirement – so you can fund the exact LIFESTYLE you want?

Set up a pool of LIQUID money that you can easily access and use at any time you want (without penalty)?

Guarantee that your money keeps making MORE money – so that you have more than enough to be taken care of LONG-TERM if you need it?

Build wealth that lasts far beyond just ‘your retirement’, and can leave a LEGACY for generations?

…AND what if you could do all of this, WITHOUT having to contribute any more to your retirement than you are right now?

It’s not only possible…

It’s absolutely ACHIEVABLE without investing in things that expose you to higher and higher amounts of risk with little to no certainty of any future reward…

That means you no longer have to consider investing in high risk assets, the next shiny crypto coin, day-trading, market-timing or anything else your co-workers talk about at the water cooler.

These things not only leave you vulnerable to market volatility but worse, they put you FURTHER behind your retirement date.

The truth is…

You don’t want to take more risks than necessary…
You want 100% control over your future…
You want to be protected against market crashes…
You want to be shielded from inflation…
You want to drastically reduce and even eliminate your taxes…

And here’s the thing, you can have all of that and more.

So yes, while your 401(k), IRA or other retirement account remains a NECESSARY piece and a good start towards your retirement, it is NOT a SUFFICIENT solution.

BUT, you already knew that…or you wouldn’t still be here reading this.

You already know there has to be a better way…
You are already sick and tired of riding the emotional roller coaster of the markets…
You already want to secure the future of your retirement…

You’re not missing motivation or desire.

The biggest thing you’re missing now is NOT finding another ETF, stock tip or doubling down on what’s already keeping you up at night.

The biggest thing you are missing now is one thing.


That’s why we decided to create a very special LIVE event, The S.A.F.E. Method Workshop…

Due to the success people have with the S.A.F.E. Method, these LIVE workshops fill up quickly. Currently, our next workshop is almost full, however we invite you to join while you can.

Introducing The S.A.F.E. Method Workshop…

This FREE workshop is a 3-hour comprehensive and interactive experience where you will learn exactly what steps you need to take so you can Secure Assets and Future Earnings (S.A.F.E.)…

If you’ve been consistently making contributions to your 401(k), IRA or other retirement plan, and wondering if that’s going to be ‘enough’…then this is a workshop you do NOT want to miss!

In this workshop, we will show you how to create absolute CERTAINTY in your retirement, and give you a COMPLETE ‘S.A.F.E. Method’ solution that puts you in control over your retirement date.

And don’t worry, this isn’t a replacement for your 401(k), IRA, or other retirement assets…

It ENHANCES everything you’ve already been doing…

And just like the wealthiest families, who never stopped using this method, you’ll have ensured a Return On Retirement, because your nest egg won’t fall vulnerable to any of the wealth destroyers, like:

X Inflation
X Market crashes and volatility…
X Taxes…

During the S.A.F.E. Method Workshop Brad Gibb, Ex Goldman Sachs Insider Will Reveal The Proven Method That Creates 30% (or more) In Retirement Income

(Without having to increase your regular retirement contributions or expose yourself to more market risk…)

Discover the missing pieces of retirement planning

Growth Rate vs. Distribution

Volatility vs. Security

Tax Deferred vs. Tax Free

Investing vs. Speculating
Find out how you can collect 30% or more in retirement income…

(Without having to increase your regular retirement contributions…)

Understand what products and tools you’ll need to use, where to find them and how to properly use them in order to secure your retirement assets and future earnings


Please Note: Seats For This FREE LIVE Workshop Are Extremely Limited!

While we would love to open this workshop up to a large audience, we have found that this topic tends to generate a lot of discussion and questions from our participants.

In order to make sure that everyone can ask questions and leave the workshop with a thorough understanding of what they need to do to secure their future, we intentionally limit the seating so that we can create the best possible experience for everyone.

Due to the success people have with the S.A.F.E. Method, these workshops fill up quickly.

Currently, our next workshop is already full, however we invite you to join our waitlist and we will notify you the next time our S.A.F.E. Method Workshops are available.

As a thank you for joining our S.A.F.E. Method Workshop,
we would like to send you a SPECIAL BONUS:

“Confessions of a Wall Street Insider”,
a 12-Part Series Valued at $97 for FREE


  • Does this only apply if I have a 401(k)?
    • No. This applies to all retirement plans and account types
  • Why is there limited seating?
    • We want to make sure that you have a chance to ask questions
    • We want to create an environment where you can work through it
    • You will come out of it with a complete solution to boost retirement income by 20-30%
  • Why is it free?
    • We know that you are alone and we know that’s not the best way for you to create success
    • We are committed to helping people create a complete retirement plan
    • We know that once you see your plan, some of you will want to work with us beyond the workshop
  • What will I learn at the workshop?
    • We are going to show you how to supplement your 401(k) strategy that gives you more
    • Security
    • Tax Savings
    • Greater Distributions
    • 20-30% MORE Retirement Income
    • This works wIthout saving any more money and even in a recession or downturn
    • Make sure that you are setup for a Return on Retirement
    • Lifestyle you want
    • Liquidity you need
    • Long-term care that you might require
    • Legacy that you want to leave behind
    • Give you access to our proprietary SAFE Method – Securing Assets and Future Earnings

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How To DOUBLE Your Retirement Income Using This ONE Strategy…
(Without Saving More Than You Are Now OR Taking On More Risk)