Never Be Satisfied With Your Vision

July 17, 2020

Welcome back to another episode of the Rise Up & Live Free podcast. Today, we’re talking about vision. We’re here with part two of our Hamilton conversation and are excited to dive back into one of our forefathers’ thrilling lives.

Brad, Ryan, and Jimmy were introduced to Hamilton around the same time they were coming up with the themes and concepts for CashFlow Tactics. It embodies so many of the values and ideals they hold today.

The underlining theme of the Broadway musical Hamilton helped create and shape the messaging of CashFlow Tactics. If you’re ready to RISE UP so that you can LIVE FREE, this episode will go into the mindset and philosophy to do so.

Theme of Vision in Hamilton

“Create a legacy to live while you’re alive”- Ryan D. Lee

Everyone needs a framework in life that will give them consistent results. That’s why Brad, Ryan, and Jimmy find so much value from the play, Hamilton. It illustrates how frameworks can be applied in every area of life. Alexander Hamilton is constantly obsessed with creating his legacy. He is scrappy and hungry for success.

It is especially awe-inspiring to see this behavior weaved throughout the foundation of this nation. It stands true today, as we are still a country that is capable of fueling and fulfilling dreams. No matter where you are or where you come from you can embody some of the ideals of Hamilton.

What Is Your Vision?

When you have a vision for your life, the first thing to remember is that no one is going to hand it to you. The gift of this nation is that we can create the life that we desire as long as we go out and work for it. When you have a vision of something greater, then nothing can stand in your way.

When we look at the history of those who came before us, it is important to recognize the worth of their vision. We live in especially divisive times, but we shouldn’t allow it to cause us to lose focus on the bigger picture. These characters in history weren’t fighting for the immediate, but instead for the long-term vision, they saw for America. A vision that was bigger than the conflict right in front of them. It fueled them to do whatever was required of them. The truth is, life is about continually rising up despite the circumstances you find yourself in.

“First, you have to know what you want to take a stand.”- Jimmy Vreeland

Do You Have a Vision for Your Life?

As humans, we sometimes have a tendency to stick our heads in the sand. It can be incredibly difficult to articulate what we want. This often leads to unshared opinions and causes us to live idly.

To get anywhere in life, we must first determine what we want. Then it becomes our job to take a stand and do our best to make it happen. Hamilton didn’t want to live under British rule. He wanted to create more for his life, family, and country.

So it begs the question, do you have a vision for your life? Because if not, you will sway with the currents. Having a vision and being able to fight for it is so incredibly powerful. And it is absolutely essential to rising up.

Are you willing to have those difficult conversations? Are you willing to take on that new job or start the business you’ve been talking about?

Within the CashFlow Tactics community, regardless of age or background, is the overwhelming unwillingness to wait. Our community members are done waiting and ready to create the life they want and deserve. Hamilton was far from perfect, but he was able to rectify his mistakes because he continued to move forward.

Live Life on Purpose

“Your vision is your fuel and fire to do the difficult things and make your vision a reality”- Ryan D. Lee

You have to move forward. We always believe in progress over perfection. Alexander Hamilton was never satisfied. We find that this is a common trait in those who are drawn to our community. It’s a great problem to have and not one to be stifled because as your mindset continues to expand, so does your vision.

When you can live in a blissfully dissatisfied manner, then you are setting yourself up to build the resilience to keep moving forward. We challenge you to write your own Declaration of Independence. It will help outline a clear vision of what you would like life to look like in an ideal situation.

Join as you continue to define the life you want to live. We have built an entire community around these ideals and are eager to share it with you. Find us over on Cashflow Tactics Group to find other like-minded people who are taking matters in their own hands.