Why Unique Ability & Free Trade Matter

June 25, 2020

Today’s topic is centered around the core of CashFlow Tactics AND what we believe is the core of human existence. It’s the role of free trade and unique ability concerning becoming financially free. Financial freedom doesn’t begin with merely grinding away at a job until you’ve saved enough money. It doesn’t even start with making savvy investments. True freedom lies in the opportunity to uncover our most innate gifts and talents. In turn, those gifts affect the market and result in free trade.

The real solution behind finding fulfillment is discovering and tapping into your unique ability as an individual. Once you have aligned yourself with your talents and skills trading them in the service of others is the path to freedom and fulfillment.

What Is Unique Ability?

“Your talents and abilities have to be put in the service of someone else.”- Ryan D. Lee

We each come equipped with a set of skills and talents that are unique to us. Some people discover and develop their skills early on, while others take longer to uncover where their passions lie. Our natural skills are the areas in which we feel most confident and comfortable.

If we genuinely want to move forward and reach the goals we set, it’s imperative that we take the time to start chipping away at ourselves to find the things that drive and fuel us. Most people spend their lives in jobs they hate. They grind away, hoping one day for some elusive form of freedom.

That isn’t the way we are meant to live. Our passions are supposed to align with the work we do. It’s essential to living a productive and fulfilling life.

Free Trade Helps Us Solve Problems

You might be wondering how your unique gift or talent has any role in the free market. Let’s look at it from an economic standpoint. There is an endless amount of issues that the world faces. And the great thing is that each of us has a unique skill that can address a particular problem.

Your gift may be completely different than anyone else, you know. And that’s exactly what gives you an edge. The different talents reveal a niche we bring to the table. If you can solve someone else’s problem with your ability, you’ve managed to make their lives better and your own. Economically, this situation is considered a transaction. Really, this scenario is at the core of the free trade. We make sales to move the economy forward and to better our personal and professional lives.

“If you want to lead a more fulfilling life then you need to rise up.”- Ryan D. Lee

Following the ideals of free trade requires a producer’s mindset. Brad, Ryan, and Jimmy like to call it the producer revolution. Freedom of all kinds requires a sense of stewardship. It takes looking internally and determining how we can approach the world as a producer rather than a consumer. We’ve narrowed it down into three principles.

The Producer Principles

1. Dollars follow value

2. Exchange creates wealth

3. Profit is a tool of validation

If you can identify with your unique skills and abilities and put them in the service of other people, you will find fulfillment from solving people’s problems. A result of that is more wealth as you live more authentically.

The Gift Of Living Authentically

“What you do for a living is not who you are.”- Ryan D. Lee

Most people are so indoctrinated into the systemized way of life that they neglect to do the rewarding and challenging work of looking internally. They become complacent with living an unsatisfactory existence. Life becomes this rat race in figuring out how to make money rather than living out our dreams and using money as a tool to supplement that.

When you go to any gathering where you meet people, the first question out of anyone’s mouth is what you do for a living. It is such a trapping question because our careers don’t determine who we truly are. If what you do for a living doesn’t align with who you are, then you are subject to an inauthentic life.

At CashFlow Tactics, we make sure that money can’t be an excuse you use to avoid getting to know the true you. Figuring out who you are doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. Though, it does have to be intentional.

Life is always going to be a grind. It will push you down unless you take the initiative to rise up and do the deep work. That work is essential to finding your unique skills and gifts. You might not be in the place where you consider yourself an entrepreneur or know how you can add value in the free trade system, but we urge you to consider yourself a producer. A producer looks at the world around them to see how their unique abilities can solve the world around them!

Join our Cashflow Tactics Group if you want to learn how to become a producer and finally uncover the skills you possess to change your life and the world!